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DESIGN AND EASE OF CLEANING SOLENO has been specially designed to perfectly suit all workspaces, with its optimised dimensions, streamlined shape, quality materials, light weight, and easy installation thanks to its built-in Coulisstops® suspension system. Its painted aluminium casing is completely closed, which ensures that it is dustproof and easy to clean. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Dimensions (LxWxH) in cm Lighting in lux at a distance of 1.5 m from the work surface 1650 lux (illuminant D65 at 100%) 800 lux (illuminant D65 at 50%) 900 lux (warm white light) Energy use in W for the illuminant D65 mode Energy use in W for the warm white light mode Power supply Colour IP 4-position remote control COLORIMETRY Colour temperature in °K 6500°K (illuminant D65) 3000°K (warm white light) Azure grey 100% Illuminant D65 50% Illuminant D65 Warm white light Off Complies with requirements defined in the standard BS 950-1 Chromaticity Complies with tolerances for chromaticity coordinates Spectral distribution Tolerance less than 15% on each spectral range Complies with requirements defined in the standard ISO 23603 Chromaticity CERTIFICATIONS D65: complies with all criteria for illuminant D65 (chromaticity-spectral distribution-metamerism) defined in the international standard ISO 23603 and the British standard BS 950-1. Photobiological safety: assessed to be without risk according to the standard for evaluating photobiological risk, EN 62471 (risk group GR0). Complies with tolerances for chromaticity coordinates Quality of reproducing Class C the spectrum of illuminant D65 SOLENO D 65 DAYLIG T LE D65 DA YLI GHT LED CEILING LIG HT DAYLIGHT ED A L G GAMAIN LEGROS ZA Node Park Touraine 470 rue Gilles de Gennes BP 8 37310 TAUXIGNY - FRANCE Tél. : + 33 2 47 28 18 53 Fax. : + 33 2 47 27 35 85 e-mail : contact@gamain.fr w
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Gamain, a D65 expert from the start... Gamain has always endeavoured to provide approved daylight lighting. Thanks to a unique combination of light sources, our ceiling lights reproduce the spectrum of standard illuminant D65, a daylight reference defined by the International Commission of Illumination. Our expertise has earned us the recognition of many professionals who wish to protect their eyesight and who are seeking faultless colour assessment. With Soleno, Gamain is extending its D65 expertise to LED technology. CERTIFIED D65 DAYLIGHT SOLENO complies with the illuminant D65 according...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 2Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) Gamain
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1065 Ceiling light
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