Extraits du catalogue

STETHOSCOPES LAUBRY® Single head Made of chromium plated stamped brass. Ergonomie and functional: ideal grip. Designed for blood pressure detection and general auscultation. O Chrome plated chestpiece High-resolution acoustic diaphragm Amplifies without distorting the heart and lung sound transmission for a full-range auscultation. Laubry® is the multi-purpose stethoscope for general practitioners. Non-chill clip ring For patient comfort and serene examination. O HIGH TENSILE BINAURAL ASSEMBLY Ready for use: set at an anatomic correct Optimum comfort and acoustical clarity. © Soft ear tips (screw system) Made of TPE. Colour matching to tube. Great comfort and acoustically sealed ear fit. Environmental noises do not disturb O Single pipe « Y » tubing Made of PVC. Colour range: black, navy blue Excellent acoustic transmission and restitution. No sound interference. Physiological sounds are accurately Q Adjustable inner spring Sound waves are conducted without The uniformity of the frequency response Ensures constant acoustical sensitivity. All of the stethoscopes designed by Spengler are equipped with the Spengler "HighFidelity" acoustical diaphragm made of epoxy resin. This diaphragm of great sensitivity amplifies without distorting the physiological sounds of both low and high frequencies. "High Fidelity" tuneable diaphragm made of epoxy resin fits out Magister®, Cardio Sonic® and Cardio Prestige® models. The inner spring is insulated from the sound transmission circuit in order to make better propagation of sound waves and eliminate sound disturbances. Double-pipe Y tubing fits out Cardio Sonic® and Cardio Prestige® models, for a high fidelity "stereophonic" sound. Spengler proposes a complete range of stethoscopes, from the "cardiology" model to the "paramedical", which covers the full spectrum of auscultation (heart, vascular,
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STETHOSCOPES Technical data sheet Chestpiece Diaphragm Clip ring Binaural Accessories single head LAUBRY® high resolution non-chill soft ear tips branches single-pipe Y tube inner spring supplied spare parts Overall length Dimensions of the box Total weight (including box) GUARANTEE (normal conditions of use) stamped chromium plated brass Ø 49 mm weight: 107 g made of epoxy resin excellent mechanical and thermal consistency Ø 44 mm made of PVC Ø 49 mm made of soft latex free TPE I matching tube colour made of chromium plated brass I anatomically angled one-piece PVC, UV rays and...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 2Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) Spengler SAS
Magazine 1907 - FR
20 Pages
Spengler 2020 - FR
122 Pages
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